Blog advokátní kanceláře PETERKA and PARTNERS

Blog advoktn kancele PETERKA and PARTNERS




Importance of a Will at Succession of Assets in Several Countries

The law of succession regulates private law issues relating to the death of natural persons, primarily the transfer of the testators’ property to their heirs and entails the details of the succession. Succession systems can be based on the following… MORE

NIS2 implementation: Changes on the horizon?

Hungary has transposed the EU’s NIS2 Directive (Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 and Directive (EU)… MORE

Regulation (EU) 2023/988 – New EU rules on general product safety

Regulation (EU) 2023/988 on general product safety (“GPSR”), which was adopted on May 10, 2023 and entered into force on June 12, 2023, has become directly applicable in Romanian law from December 13, 2024. The GPSR repealed the General Product… MORE

Additional clarifications regarding the use of phone recordings as evidence in labour disputes in Romania

As already mentioned by our colleague Dan Ciupala in the previous legal article drafted on this topic that can be read here, the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) issued a landmark ruling on 16 September 2024, allowing… MORE

Abolition of generally mandatory medical fitness-for-work test

As of 1 September, the Hungarian Labour Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act have been amended so that the decision to carry out a medical fitness-for-work examination is now left to a specific legal provision or to the… MORE

Általánosan kötelező orvosi alkalmassági vizsgálat eltörlése

Szeptember elsejétől úgy módosították a magyar Munka Törvénykönyvét és a Munkavédelmi Törvényt, hogy már csak külön jogszabály ilyen rendelkezésére vagy a munkáltató döntésére bízzák a munkaköri alkalmassági vizsgálat elvégzését. A törvényekhez tartozó végrehajtási jogszabályok módosításának elfogadására még várni kell, ezért… MORE

Clarifications on Whistleblower Protection and Internal Reporting Channels in Corporate Groups

Introduction: The EU Commission’s Whistleblower Protection Expert Group (the “Expert Group”) has shed light on the requirements for internal reporting channels in corporate groups, by interpreting several debatable provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 On Whistleblower Protection (the “Directive”). These interpretations,… MORE

Romanian High Court allows use of phone recordings as evidence in labour disputes

The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) issued a landmark ruling on 16 September 2024, allowing phone recordings between employees or between employees and their employer to be used as evidence in labour disputes against the employer. This… MORE

New rules increase consumer protection in regards to total cost of credit

Law 243/2024 on Consumer Protection in regards to the Total Cost of Credit and the Assignment of Receivables (“Law 243”) was published in Official Gazette no. 807/13.08.2024 and shall enter into force 90 days from the date of publication. Scope… MORE

Legal updates impacting Romanian citizenship law

Currently, the procedure and requirements for obtaining and regaining Romanian citizenship is regulated by Law no. 21/1991 on Romanian Citizenship (hereinafter referred to as “Law no. 21/1991”). Law no. 21/1991 sets the general framework, establishing that Romanian citizenship can be… MORE

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