The amendment to Act No. 125/2008 Coll., on Transformations of Companies and Cooperatives (Transformation Act) effective from 19 July 2024, which implements Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 (the “Directive“), has… MORE
On 4 October 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in case C-633/22 Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, AE v EE, Société Editrice du Monde SA. This judgment clarifies the conditions for refusing the… MORE
Magyarországon az Európai Unió digitális szolgáltatásokról szóló rendelete (DSA) értelmében az Online Platform Vitarendező Tanácsot alternatív, bíróságon kívüli vitarendezési fórumként teszik elérhetővé azon felhasználók számára, akik egy online platform döntését – például a közzétett tartalom eltávolítását vagy egy profil letiltását… MORE
In Hungary, the Online Platform Dispute Resolution Council has been empowered as an alternative out-of-court dispute resolution forum under the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) for users who find a decision by an online platform harmful, such as the… MORE
The Court of Justice of the European Union regularly contributes to the interpretation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) through its decisions. Two recent judgments, issued in September 2024, addressed important issues regarding the processing of personal data, in… MORE
In a long-awaited CJEU judgment (LINK) in the “Diarra Case” which I presented in an earlier post (LINK), the European Union’s top court (CJEU) said that certain FIFA rules on players’ transfers are contrary to EU legislation relating to competition… MORE
The new EU Regulation 2024/1624 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing has extended the scope of anti-money laundering measures also to football clubs and football agents. … MORE
After the interesting decisions handed down by the European Court of Justice (CJEU) last winter which I commented on here (LINK), the CJEU will again decide on the compatibility of various FIFA rules relating to the system of transfers with… MORE
On 12 June 2024, the Executive Committee of the Czech Football Association approved changes to the Transfer Regulations for football players which will have a significant impact on the content of contracts executed between football players and clubs in the… MORE
Dne 1. července 2024 nabývá účinnosti novela zákona o zaměstnanosti. Dotkne se zaměstnávání cizinců a přináší mimo jiné následující zjednodušení pro zaměstnavatele: Volný přístup na trh práce pro některé cizince Dojde k rozšíření skupin zaměstnanců s volným přístupem na trh práce…. MORE
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