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Tag EU regulation



Regulatory challenges of Multi-Club Ownership (MCO) in Football

The world of football is not only a source of passion and entertainment for millions of fans worldwide but also a lucrative business where clubs fight for success on and off the pitch. In recent years, the phenomenon of MCO… MORE

Nařízení EU o umělé inteligenci je blíže k definitivnímu přijetí

Minulý pátek 2. února 2024 Výbor stálých zástupců členských států EU schválil návrh základní právní normy, která bude v Evropské unii v příštích letech regulovat oblast umělé inteligence – tou je nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady, kterým se stanoví harmonizovaná pravidla pro… MORE

The EU regulation on artificial intelligence is closer to being finally adopted

Last Friday, 2 February 2024, the COREPER approved the draft main legal act that will regulate the field of artificial intelligence in the European Union in the coming years – a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council… MORE

Mandatory reporting of payments and regulation extending such mandatory reporting to crypto-assets

On 16 May 2023, in addition to the MiCA Regulation, which establishes uniform regulation and rules for the issuance and trading of cryptoassets within the EU, the EU Council approved a regulation that has not received much media attention, but… MORE

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