As already mentioned by our colleague Dan Ciupala in the previous legal article drafted on this topic that can be read here, the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) issued a landmark ruling on 16 September 2024, allowing… MORE
As of 1 September, the Hungarian Labour Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act have been amended so that the decision to carry out a medical fitness-for-work examination is now left to a specific legal provision or to the… MORE
Szeptember elsejétől úgy módosították a magyar Munka Törvénykönyvét és a Munkavédelmi Törvényt, hogy már csak külön jogszabály ilyen rendelkezésére vagy a munkáltató döntésére bízzák a munkaköri alkalmassági vizsgálat elvégzését. A törvényekhez tartozó végrehajtási jogszabályok módosításának elfogadására még várni kell, ezért… MORE
Introduction: The EU Commission’s Whistleblower Protection Expert Group (the “Expert Group”) has shed light on the requirements for internal reporting channels in corporate groups, by interpreting several debatable provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 On Whistleblower Protection (the “Directive”). These interpretations,… MORE
The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) issued a landmark ruling on 16 September 2024, allowing phone recordings between employees or between employees and their employer to be used as evidence in labour disputes against the employer. This… MORE
Law 243/2024 on Consumer Protection in regards to the Total Cost of Credit and the Assignment of Receivables (“Law 243”) was published in Official Gazette no. 807/13.08.2024 and shall enter into force 90 days from the date of publication. Scope… MORE
Currently, the procedure and requirements for obtaining and regaining Romanian citizenship is regulated by Law no. 21/1991 on Romanian Citizenship (hereinafter referred to as “Law no. 21/1991”). Law no. 21/1991 sets the general framework, establishing that Romanian citizenship can be… MORE
Pursuant to Hungarian family law, nuptial agreements are contracts regulating the property rights of couples prior to, and/or during their marriage. Since Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1103 of 24 June 2016 on implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, applicable… MORE
Implementation of the Whistleblowing Directive in Hungary – Who is obliged to set up an internal whistleblowing system? Last spring, the Hungarian Parliament adopted Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, notifications of public interest and rules on the notification of… MORE
A Whistleblowing Irányelv magyarországi átültetése – Ki köteles belső visszaélés-bejelentési rendszert létrehozni? Az Országgyűlés tavaly tavasszal elfogadta a panaszokról, a közérdekű bejelentésekről, valamint a visszaélések bejelentésével összefüggő szabályokról szóló 2023. évi XXV. törvényt („Panasztörvény”), amely – többek között – tartalmazza… MORE
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