Blog advokátní kanceláře PETERKA and PARTNERS

Blog advoktn kancele PETERKA and PARTNERS




New EU Regulation to Combat Money Laundering (and not only) in Football

The new EU Regulation 2024/1624 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing has extended the scope of anti-money laundering measures also to football clubs and football agents.  … MORE

Romanian High Court allows use of phone recordings as evidence in labour disputes

The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice (ÎCCJ) issued a landmark ruling on 16 September 2024, allowing phone recordings between employees or between employees and their employer to be used as evidence in labour disputes against the employer. This… MORE

New rules increase consumer protection in regards to total cost of credit

Law 243/2024 on Consumer Protection in regards to the Total Cost of Credit and the Assignment of Receivables (“Law 243”) was published in Official Gazette no. 807/13.08.2024 and shall enter into force 90 days from the date of publication. Scope… MORE

Legal updates impacting Romanian citizenship law

Currently, the procedure and requirements for obtaining and regaining Romanian citizenship is regulated by Law no. 21/1991 on Romanian Citizenship (hereinafter referred to as “Law no. 21/1991”). Law no. 21/1991 sets the general framework, establishing that Romanian citizenship can be… MORE

Court and Choice of Law Clauses in Prenups – a Hungarian Overview

Pursuant to Hungarian family law, nuptial agreements are contracts regulating the property rights of couples prior to, and/or during their marriage. Since Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1103 of 24 June 2016 on implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, applicable… MORE

Házassági vagyonjogi szerződések kikötései – magyar jogi áttekintés

A magyar családjogi szabályok értelmében a házassági vagyonjogi szerződések olyan megállapodások, melyekben a házasulók és a házastársak egymás közötti vagyoni viszonyaikat rendezik. Mivel a házassági vagyonjogi rendszerekkel kapcsolatos ügyekben a joghatóság, az alkalmazandó jog, valamint a határozatok elismerése és végrehajtása… MORE

CJEU to decide on FIFA transfer rules again

After the interesting decisions handed down by the European Court of Justice (CJEU) last winter which I commented on here (LINK), the CJEU will again decide on the compatibility of various FIFA rules relating to the system of transfers with… MORE

Amendment to the Czech Civil Code

Amendment to the Czech Civil Code: allowing substitute delivery of payment orders to electronic data boxes after 10 days: speeding up proceedings, but also creating new risks for the less vigilant An amendment to the Czech Civil Procedure Code entered… MORE

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